Saturday, May 17, 2008

My name??

is it i look like this??
just 4 fun only??
wat ever~

What Poon Weng Hong Means

You are influential and persuasive. You tend to have a lot of power over people.

Generally, you use your powers for good. You excel at solving other people's problems.

Occasionally, you do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in your interest.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.

You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.

At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.

You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.

You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.

You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.

Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.

Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.

Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


driving exam??
kacang putih la~ (piece a cake)
in the morning that time quite nervous cause see many ppl is failing at the up hill there....
i think die lo... i wont be like this gua...
cause of usualy that i up hill done many time already..
n dun need to talk abt side parking n 3 point turn...
that 2 stuff just like child work....
too easy....
be4 the exam need to line up.... dunno wait 4 how long...
the officers do really take thier home sweet time man...
after the lining up then i been call to on the road test...
when i in the car i do the stuff needed to do...
so the test began, on the road the uncle do really like to talk...
from the begining of the journey till end man...
do u know how talkative is him??
i tell u man.. it's really geng....
keep talking this talking that...
in my mind there say, pls let me get away from this guy faster...
after on the road test, the uncle mark the paper then i took from him n see...
n i say w.t.f.....
u know wat he mark??
he mark that i never aggust the seat!?!?
but i still got 19/20... nice result is it?? hehe...
after the on the road test , soon is the 3 stuff exam..
up hill, side parking, 3 point turn~
when is my turn, i more n more nervous....
cause i stop at the hill there i saw the girl which is beside line of me de, roll back down the hill...
n the officer say "keluar, kamu boleh balik"
the gal keep plsing the officer but still got rejected...
i felt pity 4 her...
when i readdy to go, i just use my normal method to drive n i overcome de up hill...
then in my heart there think "show time~"
n i done my side parking n 3 point turn less than 5 min....
n i admit that while doing side parking n 3 point turn is quite lan ci la....
cause i'm full confidence... wahaha....
after finish that i park the car where it should be n go 4 the result paper~
n i got a full 'nike' in the box in the result paper~ damn happy~
n then i show it to my friend, actuly i know from there...
he ask me how, i say "it's kindna easy, it's cluth only need to put a little higher than usual.."
he get wat i mean n he pass too~
i get both of the paper show it to the driving lesson uncle, n he said that i will get my license next tue~
at last i can drive!! wahaha......